
Posts Tagged ‘salmon’

piece of salmon
Image via Wikipedia

I enjoy healthy food like fruits, vegetables and fish. My problem has been finding fruit that is organic and grown within a reasonable distance from where I live in New York City and finding fish that is wild. I often wonder if it is better not to eat these healthy foods if I can not find “clean” versions.

Fruits and vegetables are not as much of a problem as fish and if you have to pick and choose which fruits and vegetables to purchase organic, you should be aware of the “dirty dozen”\ that should be your priority for eating organic.

Recently, I found a good solution to the fish problem when I discovered Vital Choice. First, let me say that I have no business or financial interest in this company so my recommendation is purely as a happy customer. Vital Choice offers a variety of types of salmon, which is one of my favorite foods, in smoked, fresh, frozen, canned and sausage forms that are wild and certified Kosher. On their website, they also offer organic frozen fruits, nuts and teas as well.

On a recent trip to Portland, I had one salmon feast after another because wild salmon is widely available. Now that I have discovered Vital Choice, I feel I have enough options so I can choose not to eat farmed salmon any more.

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